Tech IndustryJul 24, 2022
Capgemini tulipz123

UX/UI design or data analytics

I’ve been working as IT business analyst for a long time and would like to make a transition to UX/UI design or data analytics. I did some research and believe that there are quite a lot of transferable skills for UX/UI design, such as wireframing (cos I mainly work on web-/mobile-based implementation projects) and some soft skills. I also know SQL, SAS and the fundamentals of Python but lack of background in statistics and linear algebra. So my questions are… 1. which career path is more promising and easier for me to get into, UX/UI design or Data analytics? 2. Any recommendation on how to start either one? 3. Is masters or certificate needed/beneficial? 4. What’s the salary in both based on my background?

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