Uber 5a vs Doordash E5

Received offers from Uber and Doordash. Which one is a better pick if you consider the outlook of both companies for the next couple of years? Staying at LI is still an option because I still have time before falling of the cliff :) Uber: 200k base 700k rsu 35k target annual bonus 50k sign-on Doordash: Waiting to hear numbers but they said they will try to match it. Is it really possible for DD to match this? Levels-fyi doesn't agree with that. I assume they would say 200/700 + 20k sign-on according to levels-fyi but is it possible to go higher than that? DD has no annual cash bonus. LinkedIn: 400k tc 10 yoe Staff swe (L5/E5 equivalent)

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Uber keechu Jul 9, 2021

Currently Staff at LinkedIn?

LinkedIn (&(& OP Jul 9, 2021


LinkedIn cloud$ Jul 9, 2021

Staff should be 5b at uber.

Zillow Group qlfbfalrvv Jul 9, 2021

What is the difference between bonus and sign-on? Bonus is at end of year based on perf?

LinkedIn (&(& OP Jul 9, 2021

Sign on is one time, bonus is annual depending on perf.

Zillow Group qlfbfalrvv Jul 9, 2021


Uber ghsv60 Jul 9, 2021


LinkedIn (&(& OP Jul 9, 2021


Uber ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ Jul 9, 2021

You can also ask HR about your Uber offer's stock vesting schedule. Uber ig has also started Front loaded vesting which might increase year1 TC. Also, 1 yr cliff has been removed.

Facebook gNtz38 Jul 9, 2021

Why you want to move for such a small raise?

LinkedIn (&(& OP Jul 9, 2021

1. Cliff will haunt me soonish 2. Smaller teams/orgs, bigger impact 3. Better chance of stock growth?

LinkedIn fangboy2 Jul 9, 2021

Uber stock growth hasn’t been better than MSFT

Amazon bigdog22 Jul 9, 2021

Is offered tc lower than current tc? Why mode?

Twitter pulsePoll Jul 9, 2021

OP are you sure if refreshers at 🚪 Dash Also why not try Fb, Stripe, Airbnb and Netflix They can pay higher You can try Twitter Staff / Senior Staff as well. You can negotiate ~500K

LinkedIn (&(& OP Jul 9, 2021

Top E5 offer at FB is also around 400k so didn't bother to interview. Don't think I can crack E6 yet. Also, FB wlb scares me :)

Twitter pulsePoll Jul 9, 2021

Top E5 Offer is 205/700/100/15% Also you have 130-140k refreshers for Meet Expectations So your average 4 year comp is 460-470 without stock appreciation

PayPal YGUO62 Jul 9, 2021

How is your TC so low given MSFTs stock growth?? I know some Senior at LinkedIn having close to 400k( with stock growth)

LinkedIn (&(& OP Jul 9, 2021

Promoted to staff recently and peanut promo award. Go figure :)

Google tfh5:hut Jul 9, 2021

Honestly the move doesn't seem worth it right now Uber and DD are known to be Rocky ships and the increase in TC is small

DoorDash xxddd Jul 9, 2021

Linkedin WLB is much much much better than DD. You need to calculate hourly pay

Microsoft cjsjbsbs Jul 9, 2021

Is DD wlb too bad? Comparable to amazon or fb?