Tech IndustryJun 25, 2019

Uber Eats vs Dropbox

Senior SWE at both places (5a vs IC3). Compensation not yet finalized, but expecting similar numbers. Teams: uber eats, general swe on dropbox side. Which one will you pick and why? current TC: $300k

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rhAW72 OP Jun 25, 2019

uber eats, general swe on dropbox side

Nutanix syjdtub Jun 25, 2019

Really tough choice because I love DropBox but because UberEats I would go Uber. My friend is an executive in the org and has told me that Eats continues to grow. Food delivery used to be Postmates, DoorDash, GrubHub, and Eats whereas now it’s very close just between Eats and DoorDash with Eats improving each quarter. I would imagine the org is going to continue getting funded quite well so there may be growth opportunities. Dropbox has a great engineering culture. So hard choice really if you go and hopefully maybe someone from both can give their 2 cents as well.

eatallofit Jun 25, 2019

Make this a poll to get more answers. But come to UberEats, we’d love to have you

rhAW72 OP Jun 25, 2019

it is not a poll because i want to know "why"

Nvidia martiand Jun 25, 2019

God please interview more

rhAW72 OP Jun 25, 2019


Nvidia martiand Jun 25, 2019

Both suck brah

Tibco software !mlikoj! Jun 25, 2019

Dropbox culturally and wlb is way better than uber. But as product company there are serious concerns with their offerings. So any role in dropbox should be taken cautiously. Look at their stock growth in the last 5 years. Its terrible. Uber is still yet to make any profits, but there are so many channels that the company is pursuing Freight, Eats, ATG etc. So if you honestly want to just enjoy a good wlb, amazing food and maybe learn a little on the job then dropbox. If you are looking for a more permanent fit , then I would say Uber cause I think the opportunity to learn and grow is a lot more in Uber. Specially the scale at which Uber works is a lot different than Dropbox.

rhAW72 OP Jun 25, 2019

hey thanks for your comment. dbx ipo'ed only very recently. can you please clarify on "stock growth in the last 5 years"? is there some where i can see their historical valuations?

Microsoft ➰_➰ Jun 25, 2019

Written well – I agree. Dropbox is great, but I think UberEats is a better product from a saturation and longevity perspective.

Amazon ticktocky Jun 25, 2019

Dbx ipo at 2018.3

Bloomberg smallbrian Oct 25, 2019

OP, what was the comp you received at both places?