Seeking advice as a new EM

I recently was promoted to an EM from a Senior SDE role. The EM role is in a new org and domain with a new boss so it’s essentially like starting a new job. While I interviewed originally for a small team of 3 engineers it seems like between interviews and re-org strategy the scope has expanded to 6 engineers and almost 8-9 micro services that I ll be owning. Some of my direct reports have overall experience double than mine. I have admittedly gone really quick up the ladder and wasn’t expecting this at all. Will I not get to code at all? Should I even code at all? What should I focus on? How to handle/lead engineers who are domain experts of the area? Will they even consider me a lead ever? I am a little nervous with so many things happening and not sure how to handle all this and already having huge imposter syndrome. Looking for actionable advice and hearing from people who have been in my shoes before. #engineering #management #software #engineeringmanager

Block Stockpin Nov 13, 2023

You should read as many books as you can on management and tech leadership. A few general advices: - Don't micromanage. Trust your people to come up with decisions on their own. - Empower and enable your team by organizing information, providing career advancement opportunities and counselling them on their career goals. - Don't lie or mislead people, it's a lot easier to just tell the truth.

Shipt BwLg42 OP Nov 13, 2023

I have been reading books from last year or so even before I got the role as I was working with my boss for career advancement. My only concern is that I am not as experienced as the people neither in the domain nor in tech career in general. Thanks for weighing in. Appreciate it

Shipt BwLg42 OP Nov 13, 2023

Any more of what should I do or focus on other than career development?

Meta privatе1 Nov 13, 2023

Do you need coaching?

Shipt BwLg42 OP Nov 13, 2023

Care to elaborate?