What is the general time line to know final decision after full complete interview #apple??

#apple #intel #google #meta #nvidia : hello Folks Any help or input on how long generally Apple team takes to answer/decision after complete interview?? I understand it varies a lot team to team but still what should be guide line?? Or #engineer any other way to know the outcome?? Thanks in advance!#engineer #interview #hardware #apple #nvidia #meta #google #intel #qualcomm

Williams Sonoma nJVE65 Jan 25

Usually a week or two, after they completed all the interviews. Wait a week and email the recruiter for an update.

Intel nvdiamoney OP Jan 25

Did the same but got reply saying waiting on feedback.

Qualcomm diablo_ Jan 25

3 days, anything beyond that is a -ve

Intel nvdiamoney OP Jan 25

Yup, sounds like that

Intel Might1 Jan 26

Not necessarily true. They might be waiting to complete other interviews. 1-2weeks is still fine

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Intel nvdiamoney OP Jan 25

Cupertino, OS SW

NetApp sdhynk Jan 29

OP, did you get any feedback?