Unemployment has been frustrating

Thank you for allowing me to vent. Just lots of submitting resumes, few interviews, and no job offers thus far. I'm optimistic, but of course stressed by the whole thing. Only a few more months of emergency fund cash before I have to begin selling assets.

63 Participants
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JPMorgan Chase nullus May 10

Severance + emergency fund should keep you afloat for at least 6 months

Microsoft copypilot May 10

There is only one rational way forward here.

ex-Amazon sadD0g May 10

Same here. šŸ˜” I stopped sending cover letters because obviously employees donā€™t care enough to take a look at any.

Apple rqtW5!y May 10

My manager is trying to push me out and I'm also looking to switch, have been submitting resumes, reaching out to managers on LinkedIn, countless internal interviews and still no offer. Got little time to prep and doing leetcode feels so hard now. I know I'm still getting paid but the pressure is very real and I get migraines every other day due to this Keep it up my friend. I hope you don't have visa issues to deal with. Something is going to come along.

Amazon DarKnight' May 10

Are internal switches common at Apple? I thought you're hired at Apple for a specific team.

Apple rqtW5!y May 10

They are incredibly difficult, but I know folks who have done it successfully but not in this economy. I am getting lots of interview loops internally though, so luckily something will stick. It's harder to get interviews externally and there is a cool off period. There is no cool off at Apple, especially internal interviews.

Apple šŸŽworkerbee May 10

Please keep trying , Iā€™m positive you should find something, especially coming out of Google. Also, get online consulting gigs to keep you busy. Many smaller shops look for consultants online and they donā€™t pay as much but it know you busy.

Affinity.co ddglglg May 10

Move to India and live off 2 percent withdrawal rate from savings. Easy.

Informatica lolnewacct May 10

It's rough out there. It took me exactly 370 days from my layoff date to receiving the verbal offer for where I'm at now. Fingers crossed for you, and that you increase your TC as a reward for enduring the stress.

Apple rqtW5!y May 10

This makes me so nervous. If that happens to me my life will turn upside down because I'll be thrown out of the country with no way to come back and continue my relationship.

Affinity.co ddglglg May 10

Whatā€™s your tech stack? And yoe?

Microsoft A8Q4M7D5J3 May 10

I wanna know your net worth