Misc.Dec 29, 2019

Unmotivated and bored at work

I feel unmotivated and bored at work. I have been with current company for 5+ years and recently promoted to Principal PM. Previously, I managed a team as being a L6 manager. I enjoyed the role and was there for more than 2 years. Due to a policy change and a reorg, I became an IC. I did not like it so moved to a new team. In my current role, I have a lot of flexibility to manage my schedule. However, the work does not excite me as I have done similar scope work many times already. I do not have much authority and no exposure to VP level leadership. most of my time is spent on writing documents (updates, MBR, user stories, business cases, etc), data analysis, and meetings with engineering teams. Though I have been promoted, I am still making same money as I was making as L6. Only small increase in base that is not noticeable on paychecks. I may get new RSU grant part of annual performance review cycle. Sometime I think that I should change team and get into manager role. But changing team may not give me much financial benefit. Also, getting L7 manager role might be challanging as I am an IC currently. Recently, I got a job offer from a Start Up with 25% cash pay increase (stock options excluded) but I turned the offer down. I thought that I will loose WLB (schedule flexibility) and also Start up might be risky as I am on H1B visa. I have a young family where I need flexibility in my work schedule. My current job provides me that but I feel unmotivated and unhappy in the job. Am I taking my current job for granted? If changing job may bring excitement, should I look for internal opportunities or look for job out side? Any advice in general? Thank you for your inputs!! TC: 245K

FormFactor Tove1 Dec 29, 2019


Amazon buzz10 OP Dec 29, 2019


Facebook ojd6&#;$h Dec 29, 2019

Why you didn't have any pay increase after a promotion?

Amazon buzz10 OP Dec 29, 2019

My base was already high. Got some raise to reach the max base.

Facebook ojd6&#;$h Dec 29, 2019

Not sure I get it. How come your base was as high as next level? Also, what about RSU?

Amazon tpigvj Dec 29, 2019

Tc seems low for l7 pm...I am an l6 program manager ic making $220k

Amazon buzz10 OP Dec 29, 2019

Yes.. promo puts one at the bottom of the next level. 245k is at the bottom of the range. It may take a year or so to come at the middle of the range.

Amazon tpigvj Dec 29, 2019

That sucks...I’m worried about the cliff as I just joined. Were you able to get refreshers in years 1 and 2?

Amazon YcUP73 Feb 24, 2020

Why is TC so low