Logitech keyboard MX keys Bluetooth wireless - sells for 120$ with tax. You pay 95$

#For Sale I have witless mouse and laptop stand too. Both are unopened. Can deliver in Bay Area depending on where you are #For Sale

PayPal ab8a4f6b Apr 5

If only there were a website where you could sell stuff like this to the highest bidder. Which used to sign our paychecks.

EA Slave🙏 Apr 5

Which one? Ebay?

PayPal ab8a4f6b Apr 5

Winner winner chicken dinner

Google Pee Chai Apr 8

"for business" aka selling stuff from work

Apple la7ve0 Apr 9

“For business” in Logitech terms just refers to some security features wrt wireless comm

NVIDIA alexaGPT Apr 8

My man selling his company out

PayPal dhaba_Grlz OP Apr 9

Got it as a price

Google bftijcr Apr 9

Can you do 500 pieces @$80?