Looking for inputs about negotiating the salary for senior consultant at mercer Current tc 155

#consulting #salarynegotiation

Mercer TKS82S Dec 15, 2021

I’ve been at Mercer for a very long time and have grown from a new analyst through to a senior consultant. Can you share your background at BS and which line of business you’re interviewing for with Mercer? What’s your TC and YOE at BS? Mercer is a tough sell for negotiating, but I can share my salary at that level and what others are making, too.

Blue Cross Blue Shield 431 OP Dec 15, 2021

Thanks you , sent you DM

Capital One OiQt00 May 23, 2022

Hey Mercer, would you mind. Sharing the TC and YOE publicly? Very interested in joining Mercer as well