Do you use Ruby

i learnt Ruby a while back but haven’t used it seriously. Anyone use it to build something of consequence or has it become irrelevant. Simple Google search seems to suggest it’s almost dead.. Thoughts?

Affirm not_max Feb 18, 2021

Ruby is an amazing language, especially for rapid development. Great for writing bots as well. Used it professionally in previous jobs. Python is trash outside of data manipulation.

Amazon sorryi Feb 18, 2021


Google Yeet__Code Feb 18, 2021

Hot take

Synopsys 1udru Feb 18, 2021

Only diamond hands.

Airbnb LzP4x Feb 18, 2021

Didn't have much experience with it before but been working with it for few months now. It is all right. Still better than Java 💩

Salesforce gdshjutgg Feb 18, 2021

The only language worse than Ruby is go

Amazon sorryi Feb 18, 2021


Google Yeet__Code Feb 18, 2021

Lol no

GitHub yUvF24 Feb 18, 2021

I use it everyday

Amazon 2CLdnV Feb 18, 2021

I used it for a few years for building backend services and mostly enjoyed it, more than C++ or Java. It got to the point where I used Ruby for a lot of things outside work like parsing, filtering and transforming small datasets when I needed results quickly, and basic calculations. There are good and bad Ruby programmers, but if your team is familiar with it and writes with tests in mind, wow, unit testing is SO much easier than in most other languages. You can mock anything, a service, an API, a class, a function call, way more easily than you can in Java where you need to often need to mock several layers deep, making it easy to build systems and mock anything that doesn't exist or matter for the current layer and have good testing of most types of interactions. I found that I was at least twice as productive in Ruby as in Java or C-based languages, with less cruft and boilerplate. One downside is that debugging is much less developed than in Java/C#, but you can work through most of that with good unit testing and logging. Like some other languages that have many ways of doing things, old Ruby projects built by people just learning the language are painful to work with, so if you're on a team of all C++, Java, C#, Python, etc developers, it's usually best to use what most people there are effective in.

Coinbase joshUnMe Feb 18, 2021

It’s great if you are a single developer or a small team trying to ship fast. The tribal knowledge and difficulty in onboarding new engineers totally kills the vibe at scale.

Coinbase IfDH72 Mar 22, 2021

ruby sucks

bitcoin028 Feb 19, 2021

Ruby is really elegant. Nowadays if I can Ruby for personal project, I would. Sometimes I use JavaScript and Node.js just for practicing my JS skills for the interviews.

Amazon cKht11 Aug 17, 2021

Without outing myself, I can say that I’ve been doing Ruby for over a decade, and almost all of the complaints about its performance are unfounded in 2021. We have a monolithic app that sees way more traffic than the unit we are part of does with their microservice hellscape and it costs less to run. I have no clue where I’d see dashboards but I’d expect they’re not doing much better than we are in terms of TTFB or request latency. Possibly worse.

Amazon cKht11 Aug 17, 2021

I will say, the way that Brazil intends on running Ruby apps and “building” them is ludicrous, which makes the experience suck.