Tech IndustryNov 25, 2018

Google which role to choose to interview?

Technical Solutions Engineer (TSE) vs Strategic Could Engineer(SCE)

Qualcomm TcTcTc Nov 25, 2018

why not both? see if both teams are interested in you and then you choose.

Google Rebellious Nov 25, 2018

Both are post sales customer facing roles. Donโ€™t let the โ€œEngineerโ€โ€ title fool you. Itโ€™s not a software developer role

Facebook neverGiveU OP Nov 25, 2018

I don't want to be a software developer, but I do believe there will be a coding round.

Google goodgoog Dec 19, 2018

SCE. TSE is support.

Google DimH27 Dec 26, 2018

SCE is post sales. TSE is support.