
datadog onsite

how long does it usually take to hear back after the onsite? I felt like I aced it. the recruiter said he/she would debrief with the team early this week and let me know the results. It has been radio silence from the recruiter ever since the onsite. I'm starting to get worried. The recruiter doesn't reply to my emails. I interviewed for senior software engineer. TC: 240 + paper yoe: 5

12 Participants
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ex-Twilio laggaye Mar 29

Sorry , I have no ideas but Do you mind I dm you ? I have couple of questions

qlxL32 OP Mar 29

sure thing

Uber JTWy20 May 10

Hey do you mind if I dm either one of you as well? Have an onsite coming up

Microsoft 🥜tella Mar 29

Can you share YOE OP?

qlxL32 OP Mar 29

updated post

Microsoft 🥜tella Mar 29

Think it will be tough getting senior at DD with 5 yoe. If you do, congrats. But I'd expect SDE II with similar TC

Datadog hself5 Mar 31

It’s possible they just haven’t debrief yet. It is hard to schedule a debrief because of conflicting schedules among your interview panel.

Microsoft 🥜tella Mar 31

Yup. With Spring Break coming up, the necessary people might be out for a week or more.

Wayfair XG6e9b2Y Apr 21

I have some questions, can I dm you OP?