Tech IndustryFeb 22, 2020

Validation/Software QA Engineer TC - Austin

What should be the average TC range of a Validation/Software QA Engineer with 5 years of experience in the semiconductor/hardware industry in Austin? YOE: 5 (B.E. + 2 years + M.S. + 3 years) Would really appreciate some comments on your response as well. #arm #nxpsemiconductor #nvidia #ibm #amazon #samsung #siliconlaboratories #cirruslogic #analogdevices #appliedmaterials

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Apple IcMK65 Feb 22, 2020

Shoulda went SWE brah

Alpha_7 OP Feb 23, 2020

Wow. That's the most constructive comment you could make?

Alpha_7 OP Feb 23, 2020

You should really reflect upon your life if you feel you've achieved the epitome of success by being a SWE!