Tech IndustryMar 27, 2020

Offer rescinded or hiring freeze companies?

Hi, Lending Club is rescinding my offer and Linkedin wants to put the decision on hold due to current conditions. Have you’ll heard of any other compaines thats doing the same? Comment below! #career #tech #offer #layoffs

Jet theorys Mar 27, 2020

No? All offers are full steam ahead. Economy is roaring. MAGA. Dow 40000. Just overpaid for my Bay Area house using RSUs to qualify for a jumbo. Did you see the lease deals on new Mazda’s? I hope our bonus is 150% of target again. Ok gtg, me and my partner are off to Maui for our sabbaticals. Ttyl!

Lyft Myrule OP Mar 27, 2020

Why are you such a weirdo? Looks like staying indoor got you. Peace my friend!

FLYR loolmao Mar 27, 2020

LinkedIn hiring freeze is confirmed, recruiter told me and it’s been confirmed many of times. Tough times

Airbnb timhortonz Mar 27, 2020

Airbnb :)

Facebook GoogleOff Mar 27, 2020

How about google? Specifically today

Rally Health FUPayMe$$ Mar 27, 2020

Why are you looking to leave Lyft for lending club?

Lyft Ttg12sk Mar 27, 2020

Have the same question. PIP?

Stitch Fix IgFu46 Mar 27, 2020

Got my offer rescinded from ClassPass today. Super bummed.

Amazon Masszwhole Mar 27, 2020

Written? Signed?

Stitch Fix IgFu46 Mar 28, 2020
