StartupsJul 23, 2021

Thoughts on Addepar?

How is working at Addepar? WLB, tech, Management?

NVIDIA nvmyxVoo Jul 23, 2021

Had a roommate who worked for them, at their Newyork office. Had a pretty chill WLB and seemed to enjoy her work!

Addepar mcU5n Jul 24, 2021

which team?

NVIDIA nvmyxVoo Jul 25, 2021

I have no idea, she is some sort of data engineer!

Amazon k8D3 Jul 24, 2021

I know director there who is hiring, DM me for intro. I hear the same as above, and comp apparently great for this stage.

Addepar dAMc92 Jul 24, 2021

It’s super chill. The sky is the limit in tech funding atm. Come join up.

Investment Management Firm more_data Jul 31, 2021

How’s the analytics team?

Addepar oCUb35 Jul 24, 2021

Eng is pretty solid , newish leadership that are trying to do the right thing Just make sure you know who will manage you

Google lcxt Jul 24, 2021

Talked to them alot. Seems like they have a really bad tech stack. At their core they bare just doing normalization of data + some analysis. But don't have a comprehensive story on how to do that. Seems half assed and just happens to be successful because their competitor is a spreadsheet emailed between family estates.

Microsoft BrokeQueen Oct 23, 2021

who is their competitor? and whats their tech stack?

Addepar SCaP27 Jan 17, 2022

Competitors include advent black diamond, scs tamarac, Orion and yes… Excel as well

Intuit pipexyz Jul 28, 2021

Following here. How is revenue growth?

Addepar weekoala Jul 29, 2021

we had some years that were "just okay" (~30%), but our latest year or so have been incredible. awesome trajectory.

Investment Management Firm more_data Jul 31, 2021

Any chance of an IPO?

Intuit pipexyz Jul 29, 2021

What about the tech comments above? Is there a lot of tech debt?

Mbjn66 Sep 14, 2022

I mentioned this in another post , but long story short their tech stack is terrible. Idk where to start but addepar has problems throughout the stack. Starting at the infra level, their deployment pipelines are so bad that they can barely release code once every two months. Not only do they have problems with releasing code , but also they have problems with creating new apps on top of addepars core APIs due to infrastructure issues. They keep saying that they will have a core API platform that can service all of addepars apps but they fail to do so partially due to the terrible infrastructure. As for the backend codebase , it’s one gigantic Java monolith with tech debt all around. There is coupling between parts of the codebase that are completely unrelated. Making changes is a pain but product keeps pushing down unrealistic roadmaps. Engineering leadership talks about splitting up the codebase into a service oriented architecture but they have only paid lip service to it so far. And to make things worse , developer experience is not even thought about. It’s an after thought at best The frontend is heavily comprised of ember and JavaScript. The ember version addepar is on is so old that there isn’t even that much support available from the larger ember community. It’s old and working on this UI is a pain due to ember To make matters worse , the engineering leadership is not concerned with any of these issues. They only care about keeping product happy which just means trying to push out as many features as possible, regardless of the tech debt concerns surrounding it The engineering leadership does not really seem to care about engineers . The CTO comes from black rock and coming from a finance background he seems to view engineers as code monkeys. To make matters worse they keep hiring directors of engineering from black rock and AWS who keep treating engineers poorly Overall addepar is more of a finance company than a tech company. Tech here is not the main concern , regardless of how they portray themselves. The top line growth has also slowed down considerably and the founder of addepar, Joe lonesdale , has launched a new company (LIT) that seems to compete directly with addepar for part of its business Upper management is clueless and are running in a million different directions. If you have other options I would recommend to avoid this place