WMT ( sell ) - > MSFT ( buy )

Hi Guys, Is it good idea to sell my vested Walmart Shares and buy Microsoft. Since, Microsoft has great potential in next few years ?

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Veeva aofsi$OPA Feb 27

It’s a good idea to sell Walmart shares and buy a diversified fund like VOO. Keeping your money tied up in the company you work for is stupid. But putting that money into another single stock is just as stupid.

Microsoft apexliving Feb 27

Diversify and buy some MSFT too.

Walmart samyMummy OP Feb 27

I already invested into VOO and QQQ

Microsoft apexliving Feb 27

How much money are we talking here?

Walmart samyMummy OP Feb 27

Around 50 - 70k

Microsoft Chadwik Feb 29

You tell me why you think MSFT is a good stock to invest in right now.