Tech IndustryJan 2, 2022

Using Ruby for Meta interview?

I'm a Ruby developer with an upcoming interview at Meta - just wondering if it's ok to use? I imagine Python is ok to use, and Ruby has a similar syntax. I've read others who had interviews at Amazon, Uber, Twitter saying they've used Ruby without issue so hoping it's the same with Meta. My only worry is that Ruby doesn't have things like Linked Lists - so how would that be handled if I was questioned on them? #meta

Fast Enterprises CmSk06 Jan 2, 2022

You can use whatever

Amazon wokism😵‍💫 Jan 2, 2022

I used Fortran . Interviewer was impressed

NoGoodie Jan 2, 2022

Impressive if true. Does FORTRAN have any data structure libraries you can import ?

uMCm63 Jan 2, 2022

Neither interviewer nor coderpad know fortran. So you can come up with an imaginary name for any ds you need and import it.

Salesforce jabadahung Jan 2, 2022

If you can’t throw up a a quick Node class with next/previous/val attrs with Ruby you may not be ready for the interview.

sTGX89 OP Jan 4, 2022

I could but I wouldn't have expected I'd be asked to implement my own LinkedList before even getting to the question, considering you only have 30 mins. Surely they'd switch the question.

Peloton whic Jan 2, 2022

Who cares language?

Peloton whic Jan 2, 2022

Write it in your own toylang and supply the interpreter.

Goldman Sachs keithD Jan 3, 2022

Used Brainfuck and Mark decided to step down for me to takeover