Walmart/ Workday/ ebay referral

Hey! I’m looking for a referral at Walmart/Workday/Ebay for a SDE role, can someone refer me? Will share resume and Job id. #referral #walmart #ebay #workday

Workday rElL60 Jan 17

Dm for workday

JPMorgan Chase jamesbnd8 OP Jan 17

Sure, thanks

Walmart allz_well Jan 17

Good luck but there is toxic culture 7:30 a.m to 5 p.m and sometimes even at night

Walmart dc8245 Jan 17

Why moving from JP Morgan?

Walmart lowprices Jan 17

Stay unless you are being laid off

JPMorgan Chase jamesbnd8 OP Jan 17

Would you mind giving a referral for Walmart?

Walmart lowprices Jan 21

If you see a req you are interested in dm me

eBay ebayMawa Jan 20

Ebay layoffs will happen this week. We are still in hiring freeze. No point in applying now.