What Team Is Better At Microsoft? Azure vs Others?

I've been interviewing with Microsoft for the last week or 2 and in the last 2-3 days recruiters told me that some teams decided to move forward with offers, YAY! Some of them are Azure teams and some of them are not (office, etc.) Some of the Azure Teams are newer/smaller but I don't know if that matters much. I've heard some people saying that any cloud team is going to be very stressful and the WLB is going to be bad. On the other hand, I've heard that other teams will not be using the "bleeding edge" stuff and will not really add much to your resume. How true are these statements. How bad is the WLB for cloud teams? If we assume that the TC (I don't have the numbers yet) is the same for all, what makes the most sense? Azure vs non-Azure. #microsoft #wlb #azure #softwareengineer

Microsoft yolololo Apr 2, 2021

I am in office org. The tools are old, but improving. We use all the latest azure stuff they build, with better wlb. I doubt every azure team will be using “bleeding edge” stuff

Paychex BHRK07 OP Apr 2, 2021

What is the best team in your opinion within office org? Word, excel, security, etc?

Amazon lollellol Apr 2, 2021

@yolololo can I DM you for more details about your team or org? I wil be joining Microsoft after hiring event and don't like the team I was assigned.

Microsoft jdjdidixn Apr 2, 2021

Microsoft is shit tbh. Far lower quality in every respect than anywhere else I’ve worked, including amazon

Amazon MbUB80 Apr 2, 2021

“Azure” has grown to include over half the company at this point. Lots of amazing teams there but some bad ones also. Core Azure services like compute, storage, sql, cosmosdb, azure functions etc. are more likely to be fun and interesting imho