
What are some ways to get the attention of a good TPM for recruiting purposes?

So our startup is in desperate need of a technical project manager who can help align timelines among the different functional teams (think a program manager at Tesla / epm at Apple). The really good ones seem to be stable, focused, and down to earth, which makes is super hard to pique their interest over cold LinkedIn messages :( Any advice on how to get them interested??

Wells Fargo techgeeksf Aug 15, 2018

How much do you pay and what do you do? PM me

monsterc OP Aug 15, 2018

Hey there! The comp is $80-$130K depending on seniority, with 0.5-2% equity. We’re a seed stage startup working on this:

Amazon gte305f Feb 21, 2019

What city are you in? A good TPM in Seattle or the Bay can easily make $300K+