Tech IndustryJan 21, 2020

What companies can i get into if i got into Amazon

Feel like im one of the dumb ones at amazon. i did have to go through the loop interview to get a job here. so what companies do you think i can interview and get a job at?

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Indeed indoodle Jan 21, 2020

Microsoft, Indeed... and smaller companies/start ups

Facebook jua Jan 21, 2020

Nothing to do with dumb. Leetcode away and you can get into F/G

Indeed indoodle Jan 21, 2020

This is very true too. My response was assuming you would interview with your current level of preparation.

Amazon borgff OP Jan 21, 2020

Yes. I am talking about my current level of preparation

Amazon blackfoot Jan 21, 2020

Pretty much all tech companies!

AT&T zYcX25 Jan 21, 2020

What’s a loop interview

Amazon borgff OP Jan 21, 2020

Onsite interview with 4 People. Said this because apparently now u can get a job without loop interview

Capital One blahstone Jan 21, 2020

How does that work?