Misc.Nov 6, 2018

What do people do after work in SF/NYC/other big cities?

I work and live in Sunnyvale. It is very suburban and kind of dead. I feel like all there is to do after work is eat or drink or go to the gym. I know I’ve heard people recommend getting a hobby and I’ve tried a few things but I haven’t really found something that I’ve wanted to stick to yet. I do try to be more adventurous on weekends and go to SF/Monterey etc to have a change of scenery and pace. However I’m wondering if people feel there are more opportunities in SF and other big cities for things to do after work? Maybe this seems like an obvious question, like of course there are more opportunities. But what do they look like and how do people learn about them? Maybe it’s not as obvious to me because I don’t live there. Do people also engage in activities after work that their company offers? I don’t really do that because Amazon doesn’t really offer a lot of those types of things unless it’s classes at the gym and I don’t really want to spend more time at work.

Microsoft Ufheuere Nov 6, 2018


Amazon ldJU35 OP Nov 6, 2018

Too real

Microsoft swesweswes Nov 8, 2018

So sad.

uhYr23 Nov 6, 2018

It's the matter of having a group of friends around for doing things. Whenever I had friends around there were lots of things to do, either in big cities or small towns or suburbs. Without friends I had nothing to do in the middle of NYC.

Amazon ldJU35 OP Nov 6, 2018

Ah shit this is so true. 🙁 My good friends are close enough to hang out with on weekends but far enough that it’s difficult on weekdays. When you were in NYC though were you able to make friends?

uhYr23 Nov 6, 2018

No I was working full time. Even now after 2 years in bay area haven't made friends, only old ones. After work just want to come home, leetcode and chill

BlindPts Nov 6, 2018

I go for a salsa class twice a week, and acrobatics once a week after work. It is the time of the day I look forward to. Without these activities, I feel life would get boring for me especially because I ain't much extroverted.

Amazon ldJU35 OP Nov 6, 2018

Woah that’s cool! Have you been into those for a while, ie did you do acrobatics from a young age? Some of those types of hobbies intimidate me because I have no background in them whatsoever. Also, what do you use to look for classes? I feel like a lot of classes I look at don’t target the age range I’m looking for.

BlindPts Nov 6, 2018

Yeah I understand what you mean. I just googled, narrowed down on a few, called them up, checked on their price and age range, and if they actually have experience training adults. Guess what, most of them said yes. I learnt the basics of salsa in India. But acrobatics I started when I was 30 haha. The learning has been slow as compared to most other people who have been doing some form of activity since childhood, but it's no competition. I thought of quitting after a few classes until I saw a 40 year old lady join the class along with her kid. That's when I thought I should continue.

Capital One MayeO'Naze Nov 6, 2018

Watch CNN.

Intel (⌐■_■) Nov 6, 2018

To live and die in Sunnymale.

Vlocity FTJU Nov 6, 2018

My life was so much better when I lived in NYC. Moved to mountain view and it sucks. Planning to move back already.

BlindPts Nov 6, 2018

Why so? I am curious.

Amazon ldJU35 OP Nov 6, 2018

Yes please elaborate. Did you live in NYC a long time?

Microsoft DdCz53 Nov 6, 2018

Smoke weed, watch the MSM and dream of socialism. Lol

Facebook bor-nunu Nov 6, 2018

Bang chicks/dicks left and right

Microsoft AisWI2$;kp Nov 6, 2018

Being in SF I feel like there’s TOO MUCH to do and that I’m never taking advantage enough. Grass is greener.

Vertivco FastPapuan Nov 6, 2018

Sniffing shit and dodging needles. Yeah, there's way too much to do.

Amazon ldJU35 OP Nov 8, 2018

Can you elaborate on what you feel like there is to do? I’m trying to get a sense of whether it would be a better fit for me. I go a lot on weekends but don’t know enough about what is available on weekdays

Google BetoO’Tool Nov 7, 2018

You can pay for a cuddle. Look up cuddle comfort and find a cuddle buddy.