Tech IndustryMar 3, 2020

What do you guys think about working for a startup like H20, Data Robot?

Automated ML was such a buzzword a little while back, kinda died down. I also wasn't sure what it means competitively for the business, with Google, AWS and Azure coming out with their own AutoML platforms. I wanted to understand what's happening in the industry? I have been in a situation where my company was on the wrong side of a shifting tech landscape, and I REALLY DON'T want to live through that again. Would appreciate any insight.

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Oracle ceBp21 Mar 3, 2020

Big cloud companies are going to be offering these platforms for nothing to drive compute and other service costs. Will be very hard for h20, datarobot, etc to compete.

SoftwareFT OP Mar 3, 2020

Don't you think there is any value in brand or ecosystem around their products?

Oracle ceBp21 Mar 3, 2020

No I don’t. I think there may be some convergence with BI/Analytics platform companies though (ex: Alteryx)