
What do you wish you knew earlier?

Entered 30s and I find myself sitting on a pile of regrets, missed opportunities, mistakes and just a few wins :( Really really want to do better from now on and learn from your experience. Folks in their 30s, 40s and 50s, what are some things you wish you knew earlier or had done differently for greater success, health, well-being and happiness in your 30s and 40s? #apple #nvidia #meta #microsoft #amazon

225 Participants
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Google 👠ladyinred OP Apr 15

For those voting “life became better 30s onwards”, it’s good to hear that. How/why do you say that?

Intel cturtle Apr 15

It sjust wisdom that you gain from life's experiences that make you forgive yourself and take it a little easy.

Dell Restasaur🦕 Apr 15

With more financial security you can focus more on what makes you happy. Life experience also improves quality of relationships. Seems that just about everything gets better except how quickly it is to recover from injury or improve fitness. 40 now and feeling like it’s the best stage of life. (Although college was quite fun.)

Intel cturtle Apr 15

While you can't avoid a mistake by foreseeing it. The best you can do is minimize regrets and work to overcome the mistakes you already made. The other thing I can quote is action based regrets are less guilt filled than inaction based regrets. So do the best you can.

Broadcom CovidTan Apr 15

I think you can start by telling us what have you missed out on?

Google $GOOG Apr 15

What are your misses and regrets? You miss every shot you don’t take. However you won’t hit every shot you do take.

Uber dtytd56ou Apr 15

Keep your friends around, be more patient with your partner, workout religiously.

#qrius Apr 16

Good advice

Apple wQrG76 Apr 15

Change jobs more often. Stability is the devilish drug

Google f4z93bw1 Apr 17

Say more

Amazon MsPickles Apr 15

Don’t pinch every penny and splurge once in awhile. Buy that shirt you like for $100 , even though you normally spend $20 on a shirt or wear clothing from conferences Order the guacamole at Chipotle Don’t always order the 2nd cheapest bottle of wine on the menu

Stripe doobius Apr 15

Bruh a decent tshirt costs like $80 now. Where are you’ll shopping?

Amazon AJG826 Apr 16

Sometimes the cheapest bottle is the best. Have your own opinions on wine and don't just think expensive = better. That's my advice.

Salesforce Zaphod B Apr 15

Use your vacation time. They can survive a week or two or more at the office without you.

ex-Google capsl Apr 16

Great advice

Google Pinkie Pie Apr 17

I do it a couple of days at a time, very rarely a week.

Stripe doobius Apr 15

Life is great after 30s. I spend time and money on things I actually like. Actively say no to people and don’t care what they think, I don’t need to experience things for the sake of an experience. I enjoy eating great sushi and will occasionally spend $200 - $300 on a dinner for myself, without having to convince folks. I don’t have to go to a club on a Friday night, because everyone wants to PARTY

Meta Tasso Apr 15

Sounds like you have no kids/dependents

Stripe doobius Apr 16

Living for myself right now

Google shmemini Apr 15

Should have bought my first house way earlier.

NVIDIA jhueng Apr 26

Would this be true even in a market like this ? (High interest rates and job market - layoffs)