HousingMay 8
Intuit ghotala May 8

Sometimes I really wish that blind's data gets leaked so that OP can get wrecked

Amazon labwgs OP May 8

I publicly accuse homeless people behaving like animals with examples on my public accounts. It's not a niche unacceptable view. Drug ghouls can't be treated like adults and need be institutionalized by the state, not by private landlords. If you disagree feel free to volunteer your home to use as their den.

Salesforce gvbgcb May 8

Even with a good TC you’re closer to homelessness than being rich. You can end up in this situation yourself at anytime. Then you’ll complain when people treat you poorly.

Amazon pipazord May 8

Such a surprise 🤣

Snap bhogg May 8

This is why owning financial assets is waaay better than owning and renting out property. Zero headaches. Little to no regulatory control over what you cannot do with your property. cue Crypto wackos....

Amazon OPoW26 May 8

Looking down on and dehumanizing people with financial/mental issues? I genuinely wish this happens to you one day.

Lacework flh8v May 8

Always amazon. Some kind of revenge for your working conditions?

Microsoft wLSU55 May 12

This is why calling them “unhoused” is a misnomer. Many are drug addicts, most have no respect for themselves, others, or people’s property. Just because you don’t have a place to live doesn’t mean you have to also forgo all human decency.