Tech IndustryMar 11, 2019

What is AI/ML engineer?

I am seeing higher TC number in Blind for ML and AI engineers. I am wondering what are the examples of these engineers. For instance, FB data engineers seem getting less RSU compared to software engineers. I am guessing these engineers don’t work on ML. There are scientists who build model for various scenarios. So ML engineers are the ones who set the data pipeline for those scientists? What I am trying to figure out is perhaps difference between engineers working on building data platform that provides infrastructure to schedule data processing jobs and the ML engineers. If they are just interface between scientists and data platform, why are they valued highly? The intention of question is so that I can choose between data platform team and ML platform team in different companies. If I work at ML team in self autodriving company, would it make a ML engineer? Also, if I work at a robotics company that automates manual work like excel with their AI powered platform, will I be considered as a AI engineer?

Qualcomm dynasty001 Mar 11, 2019

Hey man. I know youll be booed by others about “TC or GTFO”, so it you could include that as well it would be awesome!

Microsoft hellohibye OP Mar 11, 2019

Let them boo me. I hate this TC of GTFO not because I hate to disclose my TC but this is boring. It was fun a year ago. When people keep posting this over and over as if this is funny, it is annoying. Those people need to see if they have social skills disorder. If I am a hiring manager, they are the first people I will reject along with any interviewers who give leetcode hard level problems.

Capital One kdtn Mar 11, 2019

Definition of MLE varies by company. It is not generalized and consistent.

Microsoft hellohibye OP Mar 11, 2019

I meant the likes who get higher TC (hot in job market).

plasma Mar 11, 2019

That's how I see it too. A machine learning engineer is aware of literature and frameworks and can take a variety of theroetical models or concepts, pick the most relevant one to a problem and design and test an end to end solution (data to result) quickly, at least as a proof of concept level.

Facebook mlnoob Mar 11, 2019

ML engineers combine the expertise of data engineers, software engineers and research scientists

Microsoft hellohibye OP Mar 11, 2019

Meaning software engineers with good enough experience in designing ML model?

Uber cashout Mar 11, 2019

I've seen same salary not higher