What is driving the decline in Tech Jobs?

FYI: 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act took effect Jan 1/22 and Section 174 changed the rules on depreciating software development meaning companies could no longer depreciate 100% in year 1 and now must amortize over 5 years Link thanks to @M’urica:

The Pulse #75: Will US companies hire fewer engineers due to Section 174?
The Pulse #75: Will US companies hire fewer engineers due to Section 174?
The Pragmatic Engineer
57 Participants
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Reddit lbok May 5

It’s obviously interest rates. Companies can’t just take risks and just hire and keep people employed for free anymore.

Microsoft @;&-$- May 5

Only really true for negative cash flow companies. Interest rates don't matter if you don't need to borrow.

PayPal f30hvU3 May 5

it is if ur margins were space AIDs from the beginning chamath talks about this often, very few businesses hold a genuine bonafide moat, most will be eviscerated if they dont layoff and were just larping as having scalable tech margins

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Reddit lbok May 5

As intended. Zuck, gates, etc was telling everyone 10 years ago to study CS as it’s easy and there’s going to be hundreds of thousands of vacancies to high paying jobs because there’s just not enough people. It’s apparent they did that campaign just to flood the market with supply so they can pay less.

Google acid party May 5

it's like people only do things because they get paid. and that's just really sad

Meta TioFrio May 5

That's part of why companies like meta are choosing to invest in infra instead of people.

Komodo Health vSgt18 May 6

Job market was overheated for a couple of years, now it's overcorrectinng