What is the coding language to use at FAANG interview?

I am always confused. Should I use Java or Python or C# to show my skills? And do I have to create a data structure from scratch or use standard libraries in the interview (because to be frank who the f*** creates basic data structure from scratch!!) So please help me crack these interviews with your valuable information. #interview #faang #coding

Amazon rustacean Aug 19, 2021

Whichever you’re most comfortable with. Languages like Python are nice for being terse, but it’s moot if you aren’t great at Python. You might have to write data structures. Tries are a common one. You won’t need to “implement a stack” or something like that, but you might need a stack in your solution.

Amazon jjassy Aug 19, 2021

We interview in assembly usually

Databricks bfsp Aug 19, 2021

Language does not matter most of time. Choose the one you are most familiar with. Depending on the questions and focus, some times you are expected to implement the data structure, sometimes not.

Google blindly__ Aug 19, 2021

You will almost certainly not have to implement the basic data structures. Possibly a question will have you implement a less common one like a trie or a composite days structure e.g. a structure that just combines a map and an array.

Google megadeck Aug 19, 2021

U can only use html

Samsung AiwM76 Aug 19, 2021

Java and C# are kinda verbose, in interview setting when there are time constraints Python can be great if you are good at it

Amazon cfnerror Aug 19, 2021

Use C++

NCR Corporation nSKD81 Aug 19, 2021

This is the way

SU3xSU2xU1 Aug 19, 2021

Does using C++ (well) give a good signal?

Pure Storage pprS46 Aug 19, 2021

If you don't whiteboard with brainfuck it's a strong no-hire.

Microsoft fcookie Aug 19, 2021


Spux22 Aug 19, 2021

You generally write about 10 to 15 lines for each question. It’s quite a small amount of time actually writing code compared to the other parts of answering the question. Languages shouldn’t matter too much.