
What notice do you give when leaving job?

How long do you give your employer before you switch jobs?

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Google gobunnylol May 1

2 weeks or just under. In one case I really liked my manager and gave notice as soon as I had my offer, about a month out from leaving. But that was an exception, the only other manager I’ve had that I really liked got laid off along with me (and my whole org) with no notice.

State Farm cogs11 May 1

Notice is an obligation not mandatory. If you like the team and don't want to burn bridges, 2 weeks is standard. Otherwise 0 if you just can't stand anything anymore and want to get out asap.

State Farm cogs11 May 1

In statefarm we've had contractors just vanish one day, no notice, and not respond to messages/calls either. Then again its statefarm where inexperienced pensioners take advantage of talented people/associates. So it wasn't surprising to me when I heard about it.

Google phsjlwer May 1

Don’t give more than 2 weeks. You play nice, but your employer may cut you loose sooner than that.

ex-Adobe u99-0018/6 May 1

no notice. just don’t login again.

Dell GringoPeen OP May 1

See, I vibe with this after everything I’ve witnessed the past 2 years.

Procore tempname11 May 1

You don't owe the company anything and they will fire you with 0 notice.