Tech IndustryJul 16, 2019

What should I look for as a new grad?

I have had 5 internships throughout my undergrad ranging from startups to large tech companies. In my hunt for full time I am trying list out a few things I want in a company and was hoping to get some input from old timers on Blind. TC jokes aside, what should I focus early on in my career, and what profile of companies should I look out for? I want to optimize for growth as an engineer and start my own company one day

Google asdfghjklw Jul 16, 2019

A former director told everyone to focus on building great relationships with everyone you work with: literally the best thing I'm glad I did. Now I've become close friends and professional allies with some of the best engineers in the industry, who I can count on when I need them to help me out. So I guess it'd help you to be with people you actually want to work with and learn more about.

Amazon batou Jul 16, 2019

I agree, but it’s hard to do when you are stuck at a team you don’t like. Amazon is awesome, but teams vary.

MongoDB tlb_miss OP Jul 17, 2019

Are there any particular traits in managers or coworkers you look for when deciding between teams or companies?