Financial Services CompanyRouge9

What to study to continue staying in software development

It's been a while I spent time learning new stuff, I opened my coursera and found way too many things to learn and can't shortlist things relevant to full stack software development career. I aspire to become chief software developer, basically design entire new software product and maintain it, in my next 5years. Currently I just know angular, some software engineering concepts, go lang, python, basic sql, basic data science and ai, basic distributed system concepts, fundamental operating systems. I am very strong in algorithms. So please no leet code suggestions. TC 190k, 2.5 YOE #engineering #software #education #study

Google YioU58 Jan 24, 2021

I would suggesting first distributed systems and then learning about software life cycle

Financial Services Company Rouge9 OP Jan 25, 2021

Thank you