What would make one leave HRT (Hudson River Trading)?

What would be the reasons why somebody in Algo dev or core dev would leave HRT ? Would it be for more pay or better WLB (say once you have a family i.e. kids) ? #tech

Volant AxOT48 May 19, 2020

Why so specific? There will always be somewhere you get more money or better WLB.

Xilinx Covid 2020 May 19, 2020


Hudson River Trading BlWh34 May 21, 2020

Yes plus career prospect. Unfortunately most offers don't have a better product of TC, WLB and prospect

Red Hat xcvjfk May 21, 2020

What are the career prospects like after HRT?

Red Hat xcvjfk May 21, 2020

Would you recommend senior engineer at say FB/G/N to consider HRT? If the goal is TC, decent WLB and smarter colleagues?