What’s working at Airbnb like post layoffs

Airbnb seems to be hiring again and I’m curious if the culture has changed at all since layoffs. Are expectations any different? Did folks who escape layoffs feel pressure to perform? Tighter budgets? Or have things returned to normal with travel back? Also curious if teams reached out to folks who were laid off with return offers. I’ve always been an admirer of the company and would be interested in working there at some point. TC: 570k YoE: 11

Merkle tc 👮‍♂️ IRS Apr 19, 2022

I’ve always been an admirer of people who post total comp

Google cMue41 OP Apr 19, 2022

Lol you got me. Added to the post.

Airbnb waterbnb Apr 19, 2022

I can tell you that currently it's pretty decent and probably on a strong growth trajectory thanks to the upcoming travel revival. Not sure about before/during layoffs as I joined after that. It doesn't really even seem to be anything folks talk about ever, only because you might ask about it during interviews.

Airbnb joa875 Apr 20, 2022

A lot have changed in two years. Company is doing well business wise, obviously things like wlb are team dependent, and all relative vs what your position is like at google

Airbnb poxpoxpox Apr 20, 2022

Layoffs are honestly a distant memory at this point, there’s no real effect on the culture. Expectations are similar as before. The only big difference is that we aren’t hiring as much, mainly staff+ for Eng.

Google cMue41 OP Apr 20, 2022

Meaning hiring is mainly staff+, or not hiring as many staff+?

Airbnb poxpoxpox Apr 20, 2022

Mainly staff+. If you have been L5 at G and have a history of large-scope projects you could have a shot at an uplevel though.