When Nuclear War Happens....

How will we find out when its happening? Will it be a trending topic on social media we scroll upon? Will we receive an SMS from local or national authorities? Or do we just put the pieces together ourselves when we see that burning flash of light fill the sky?

DocuSign prodLaunch Apr 23

You will get to know if you are not nearby attack site, else we will get to know but not you

Goldman Sachs bl00dy9 Apr 23

US has sophisticated system. 1) Sattelite network will detect icbm heat signature immideatly. On ground radar will confirm, and from that point wmergency SMS will be out that ICBM is on flight to those people in affected area. While this is happening President will decise to launch return strike or not. TL:DR if your bunker not in 15 min range and you are in area of impact - bye bye