Ford Motor Company baklavas… Aug 15, 2023

In my dreams

Flexport Aug 15, 2023

My blood sugar levels

Amazon ffpC28 Aug 15, 2023

> In a nationwide survey of over 1,000 objectively wealthy Americans — defined in this case as making at least $175,000 a year, roughly the amount required to crack the top 10% of US tax filers Wealth is net worth, not income. Likely most of those people aren’t wealthy yet. Also looking at statistics nationally is misleading. Everyone knows a 175k job in Manhattan or SF is very different than 175k in the Midwest. Even just using metro region statistics is misleading. As people struggle to afford a region they often further trade off standard of living for affordability. For example, live 90 minute drive away from work so you can afford a 1200 sqft starter home. Now if your income doubles, and you get the same size house but with a 45 minute drive instead of 90 minute drive, are you going to feel rich? No, you’re going to feel similar financially but with more free time and lower blood pressure/stress. That’s how someone making 80k and someone making 160k in HCOL both describe themself as just getting by even when one is making double.

Salesforce dQw4w9WgX Aug 15, 2023


Meta Aug 15, 2023

Unfortunately top bracket is extremely wide and covers >10% households