Which SQL course is recommended to break into tech? Coursera? I know Excel, DOS, and COBOL.

Google botspot Aug 11, 2023

Why do you know COBOL?

City and County of San Francisco PRQM63 OP Aug 11, 2023

I was forced to learn a bit of Cobol and Basic in college. And i know DOS very well. But getting back to my question, would a short online course in SQL as presented by Microsoft online enable me to land and entry-level Data Analyst job?

Google botspot Aug 12, 2023

Good question. If you have no one to ask, try looking up jobs, their qualifications, and once you think you're ready, start interviewing and see where you fall short. You can do it.

anonaddy Goatifi Aug 11, 2023

LOL first fix the city and then break into tech.

City and County of San Francisco PRQM63 OP Aug 11, 2023

Your statement doesn’t make sense.

Google botspot Aug 12, 2023

They're referring to your current employer, as listed on blind.