Amazonis great
Meta wGbC21 Mar 20

Europe cant innovate so they fine big techs to keep going, cant last long though

Microsoft UHER86 Mar 20

Google should compensate these people who create the data their models are trained on. They have the money and are trying to commercialize the models. It sounds fair.

Amazon blahajj Mar 21

"waaah waaah my Innovation" is just being angry at anti corp laws, you'll see the same posters turn the other way when it's companies sueing themselves over petty reasons

Amazon Recorded Mar 20

This particular one is just Europian extortion.

SingleStore EpFj34 Mar 20

Europe has a bunch of innovators especially around LLM

Uber ahop Mar 20

Despite the West vs East competition, with the emergence of Euro, US treats Europe as the biggest competitor in the long run. What Europe is doing now builds on top the fact that US can't really do anything to them (literally family). Imagine if China or India does this multiple times to US companies.

Google sachin_rt Mar 20

I can already imagine American news outlets shouting "dictatorial regimes" through their bullhorns if China/India did this

Uber ahop Mar 21

"China virus" "India is a rapist country"

Adobe jilfoyle Mar 20

Time to buy the dip

Google $.2B Mar 21

Some Trojan Googlers lol, make EU great again with tech fines