CarsMay 20

Who the hell wants cars driving themselves ? (FSD)

I love driving. I also love being safe and keeping family safe. I would never be comfortable with cars driving themselves. I will be worried being on the drivers seat waiting for disaster to strike. I will be 10x more worried if I am not even in the drivers seat, as I would have no control. There is a reason the likes of Tesla, Waymo etc have not been able to deliver true FSD in so long: it’s an insanely difficult challenge. And it’s never going to be fool proof. Hence the question: why would anyone want cars driving themselves ? Edit: Clearly, majority here hate driving, and they trust car manufacturers enough to pay 1000s of dollars on upcoming technology which has resulted in the many (>1000) incidents getting investigated by NHTSA. 🤷‍♂️ I am out until level 4/5 FSD becomes commonplace.

154 Participants
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Amazon mpnk May 20

Microsoft Northern🔦 May 20

Maybe the real FSD was the pets we added to our drive along the way

Amazon bigAnge May 20

I am sure you great grand papa said the same thing about horses. Automated cars will here they will faster and more safer

Google OrangeGod May 20

Waymo is already delivering FSD services across major cities. Tesla makes its users feel like they are in a FSD vehicle.

Amazon honee OP May 20

Just 2-3 cities so far I guess.

Google OrangeGod May 20

True and more cities are being added, and rollout is expected to accelerate hear on.

Google tablecar May 20

i fucking hate driving, i waste 1.5 hours commuting to and from work every day. i have to be focused on the road. it consumes my primary attention. i can't do anything else, except listen to music (waste of time) or listen to a podcast (mildly productive). I used to commute to work via sunday and then i could dedicate my primary attention to anything on my phone (reading, emails, videos). Driving is a significant waste of mental energy for the day.

Salesforce i73 fsbsg May 20

I tend to treat it as an emotional warm-up and cool down for the day. Listening to music and trying to relax. But, then again, my commute doesn't have bumper to bumper stop n go traffic. That'd ruin the experience hard

KNbG36 May 21

Who thinks listening to music is waste of time? Weird

Veritas aloha500 May 20

For long distance road trips, it’s a stress relief with the lane drifting avoidance and the auto/regenarative braking … just do the monthly subscription when needed for now. Its full subscription price may go down more in the future,

Whatnot postmod46 May 20

Driving sucks

Procore tunafish35 May 20

I just don't believe that it's a solvable problem in its current form. Autonomous driving mixed with a number of non-autonomous, questionably maintained vehicles, pedestrians, and environmental hazards is just a bad idea. It's also dumb. It should be completely segregated, during reasonable weather conditions and only for driving longer than 30 min. That should be the V1. I want car trains in a single lane on the highway. Turn on FSD, the highway grants your car access to the FSD lane, your car enters at one of the gates (like a fly-by toll gate; not a physical barrier), that lane is blocked by a meridian to the rest of the highway, and your car gets off and relinquishes control at the gate nearest to your exist back onto the highway with the non-FSD plebs. That starts as one lane on the highway and scales up based on private and public transportation adoption and policy. If you enter the FSD lane without an ack from the system, you get "rods from God" from orbit (or an automatic ticket if you're a wuss).

Microsoft GDeT85 May 20

Have you actually tried the new fsd 12.3.4?

Amazon honee OP May 20

@MS do you know already how many incidents are being investigated with the new release ?

Google kai27n May 20

Because you're not thinking about the bigger picture. You're only thinking about yourself. You're not the only driver on the road. It's not you that you should be worried about. It's all of the other drivers on the road that you should be worried about. Drunk drivers, aggressive drivers etc. Theres only so much that you can control on your own. Now imagine if everyone on the road were autonomous cars.

Amazon honee OP May 20

Sure , after 50 years when all auto manufacturers have level 5 FSD

Google kai27n May 20

But that's the point of progress, is it not? Either we stand around and don't do anything at all or make steps toward that goal.

Credit Karma ird61064 May 20

Clearly you’ve never had to drive 1200 miles in an RV with a crosswind.

Latitude AI latitoop May 20

L3+ autonomy on highways and traffic jams is extremely useful. People just want to read their phones on their commute.