Misc.Jul 20, 2021

Why are companies so easy to hack?

Why are the hackers leaving their countries IP address behind? https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-administration-to-blame-hackers-tied-to-china-for-microsoft-cyberattack-spree-11626692401. TC 183k

Google 1Name4Evaa Jul 20, 2021

Which question do you want me to answer?

Google IeZo19 OP Jul 20, 2021

Writer's choice.

Google 1Name4Evaa Jul 20, 2021

The two hardest types of attacks to defend are: 1. Personal revenge since no amount of defenses will deter a motivated hacker 2. State sponsored since the amount of resources they have are limitless Secondly, no one intentionally leaves their IP address behind. A lot of times itโ€™s an intricate web of proxy addresses used to funnel the actual work but piece by piece and with time you can put together the flow of where the attack originated.

๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ’ฆhdjf Jul 20, 2021

Because itโ€™s fake