
Why can’t Palestine be free?

So I’m just learning about the history of Israeli Palestine conflict and I don’t really understand it. Israel basically controls Gaza and the West Bank, and don’t allow any independence for their colonial subjects. Why can’t Palestine be free?

Meta Lavontay Apr 25

Nice try hamas

Block gQznE2a9 OP Apr 25

No seriously look it up, they have no autonomy. Israel makes all the major decisions for the Palestinians and has security checkpoints. They won’t even let Palestinians go from Gaza to West Bank, like wtf?

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Starbucks 🍫miniondo Apr 25

Because we don't have money for Healthcare but we do have billions to fund a genocide..

lcWP60 Apr 25

Hamas is the cause

Block gQznE2a9 OP Apr 25

Wdym, hamas didn’t start until 1987

JPMorgan Chase EastD1628 Apr 25

Hamas is the symptom, Israel is the cause

Stripe ftkq12 Apr 25

The last 4 decades they’ve actively attacked civilians every time they had some autonomy

Block gQznE2a9 OP Apr 25

Israel has also attacked and killed civilians the last 4 decades, so are they allowed autonomy?

AMD BRIP06 Apr 25

Israel started attacking and killing civilians back in 1940s.

Gringx Apr 25

Ask the Egyptians. They control a land border with Palestine and could let in or out whoever or whatever they choose. It’s almost as if the Palestinians themselves are a problem even for other Muslims. Also ask the Jordanians what happened when they welcomed the Palestinians in. Turns out the Palestinians commit terrorism against everyone they disagree with, not just Israel or Jews.

Amazon wokeo Apr 25

Apparently Israel controls the Egypt Gaza border due to an agreement from two decades ago.

Gringx Apr 25

Egypt controls the border but Israel controls what goods can be imported. Glad you pointed that out Amazon, I was wrong to say they control what goes in. No reason Egypt can’t let the Palestinian people out though.

Amazon whjshhx Apr 25

Because Israel has no respect for international law and the USA is Israel's biatch.

Amazon jx62gdgu Apr 25

Because zionists believe they are the chosen people of God, and all the land belongs to them.

Apple CbcH64 Apr 25

I guess that’s why there are no Muslim countries

Amazon Shmueli Apr 28

No they don’t. When the British mandate left the area in 1947, Palestine was divided by the UN, 55% of it was given to Jews and 45% to Arabs. The Jews took their part and called it Israel. The Arabs refused and started a war against the Jews the next day. During that war Israel conquered part of the land that was originally given to the Arabs. It gave some of it back to Egypt during the peace agreements. Many times other parts of the land were offered to Palestinians in exchange for peace but the Palestinians refused time and time again.

Paycom coder911 Apr 25

Israel wants to recreate their empire from the river to the sea extending to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt even Saudi. This is their grand plan. They have hijacked America but political correctness makes them hesitant to say the obvious. They control almost all the politicians and the ones they don't are on aipacs hit list. Evangelicals are just as bad if not worse. They want their messiah to come and in some delusional way of thinking they believe sponsoring blown up babies and displacement somehow is doing Gods work. Every eight generation a curse tends to befall them for being the most cursed people in the world. Nobody really wants them. The Holocaust pit a veil over people but now that Zionists are guilty of one that veil is off. America has fallen and no matter who you vote for the real leader will still be in charge. Palestinians are fighting for us all. If they win we all win. If they lose the world is doomed and Americans will continue to be their slaves working more and getting paid less and having less rights.

Block gQznE2a9 OP Apr 25

Pretty cool

Paycom coder911 Apr 26

How are facts racist?

Microsoft sauce12 Apr 25

Look up things like the 2nd Intifada and the tactics Palestinians use like child suicide bombers, pay for slay, how they glorify killing civilians.. while you’re on this journey. Israel or not, Gaza isn’t really ‘free’. Hamas created a society where things like walking dogs in public is illegal, women aren’t allowed to travel in Gaza without male permission, there’s massive sewage and infrastructure problems while the government rips out water pipes to make rockets to launch at their neighbors (they take videos of themselves doing it), don’t allow public tourist attractions (look up their water park).. it’s a very strict society that the people in Gaza fought a ‘civil war’ to have. Israel isn’t really innocent in that either, Hamas effectively had 20 years to build terrorist infrastructure in densely populated civilian areas, destroy their economy, and steal money from their people so some cowards can play billionaire in Qatar. If Israel was more proactive about having a unified Palestinian leadership, or just eliminating Hamas in the early 2000’s, maybe none of this would happen. But that’s tough to really say. Israel imposes restrictions to prevent things like Oct 7th. Israel was at an inflection point of peace with countries like Saudi Arabia, let their guard down, and an atrocity happened. That’s also why this didn’t really turn into the ‘holy war’ Hamas wanted to kill all the Jews/Israelis.

Block gQznE2a9 OP Apr 25

Meanwhile Israel lures people out with crying baby sounds As you said Israel has been the guardian of the territory and let Hamas prosper to act as a bogeyman and allow for their genocidal actions

Microsoft sauce12 Apr 25

Believe it or not the guys that are actively holding a 10 month old baby hostage and video tape themselves beheading people yelling ‘god is great’ don’t have a moral compass that stops at lying to make Israel look bad. Palestinians are the ones here that indiscriminately target civilians and use human shields. Israel does stuff like roof knocking to prevent casualties, which are inevitable against an enemy that wears civilian clothes, shoots from inside crowds, and built their base of operations under a hospital. That’s not what I said, also what’s going on isn’t a genocide, there’s a lower civilian casualty rate than similar conflicts. War sucks, it’s ugly, and it’s extremely ugly against an enemy like Hamas that kind of benefit from more people dying on both sides. Maybe try posting some news sources that aren’t from Arab media Hamas, also, stop supporting the billionaires living in Qatar that built a tunnel under your house.

Snowflake RealOnion Apr 25

Palestine cannot be free since it wants to be from the river to the sea.