
Why did you Join an Entertainment Company?

Seems like a lot of people on Blind are engineers...Wanted to know why people who work for ent. comps decided to work here as opposed to more traditional tech companies...Was it simply the best paying or the best offer? Or was there something else that made you decide you wanted to work where you work? Asking cause it seems like studios like Dreamworks and Pixar may not be the best paying because they can draw talent just based on their product...Wondering if this is actually true!

Verizon XoqUteM Aug 8, 2019

No longer in that industry but a lot of people (esp Engineers) are starstruck/in for the love of it.

Netflix THzI52 Aug 8, 2019

easy answer - studios pay garbage salaries and the politics/egos are not worth it

Disney mav.rick Aug 8, 2019

I’m at WB because I love the IP. Granted, processes here and at Disney (former employer) aren’t always the best but it depends on teams and people you work with/for.

Turner qjka196501 Aug 8, 2019

Well it started because it was my only job offer and I just wanted a job already. But I stuck around because after I was done being entry level, the pay went up fast and it's kind of cool being able to talk to people that enjoy your content.

SeatGeek CsMB63 Aug 8, 2019

This is exactly why I work in live entertainment (sports/concerts)

BuzzFeed 0xdead Aug 8, 2019

A lot of great engineers for a few years. I had a lot to learn. Plus, the name did wonders for my value (despite what you know about the terrible content pumped out on a regular basis). At the time I joined, it was clear that the engineering org was driving a lot of what was going on, with a developing influence over what content creators do, which was interesting. The other media orgs clearly weren’t as engineering focused and were falling behind the times. Seemed like an area to write code that makes an observable impact on culture. That’s the only reason I’d ever join a media company at this point.

Ticketmaster TickTock Aug 8, 2019

It’s more relaxed and stable during economic downturns and when the startup money dries up. The products you work on are compelling because it’s stuff people enjoy and it’s nice to be a part of that. The big entertainment companies will pay decent as long as you are already making that and negotiating based on current pay. Tech companies will also underpay any time they can. Sometimes I’d rather interview at an entertainment company than be tortured by tech company engineers with insane expectations for candidates.

TuneIn qpxktb Aug 8, 2019

Social/cultural impact, although it has to be a successful media firm with an engineer culture, like FB and YT . Outside of media firms, it's hard to have cultural impact, but in non engineering media firms, engineers end up just being worker drone doing what they are told.

Turner Allielae Aug 8, 2019

There's a certain kind of brand recognition when you say "I worked for CNN and Cartoon Network" Also CN was my childhood growing up, so it feels really good I can help them deliver cartoons everywhere. Also, at least at this place, it's super liberal and welcoming. People can get away with neon coloured hair and not wearing business attire all year. Lastly, no dude bro culture. For a queer woman, this is vital.

Pixar izdr46 Aug 8, 2019

Joined for love of the products, stay for the people, the culture, the atmosphere, the interesting work and the feeling of making a net positive contribution to society. Try to ignore the low TC.

Pandora bj4 Aug 8, 2019

I need a job