Tech IndustryMay 30, 2021

Why didn't Cohesity use last year's boom to IPO?

I was wondering why didn't Cohesity use the stimmy crowd and just last year's craze to IPO. Their stock prices could easily have gone up more than imagined. It seems they missed the train. What are your thoughts? Will they IPO soon or just miss the pandemic boom? #cohesity #ipo #stockboom

Google d-ll-b May 30, 2021

The pandemic boom seems to have just as equally busted the stocks of many of these companies. Look at Airbnb, Tesla and DoorDash in the last 3 months

Rubrik yKbtFca May 30, 2021

what boom?

Nutanix kwIb56 OP May 30, 2021

Did you also miss the train?

Rubrik yKbtFca May 30, 2021

By train you mean tech bubble last year? No, we'll come strong. 🙃