Why does Microsoft pay so much less

They were willing to match 1m+ TC paper money from OpenAI so they have the money. Why is it that Microsoft TC is usually 50% of Meta, Google or Netflix

Google TakTikTok Mar 20

Because they can. Their corporate model is very different. Brilliant leadership with tier 2 workforce has proven to be more effective than tier 2 leadership and tier 1 workforce.

Meta impacc2 Mar 20

Tier 0 workhorse and tier -1 horseforce is still better though

Microsoft JumboLion Mar 21

By Jove, they’ve cracked it, ladies and gentlemen! They’ve gone and cracked it. Give this person a raise!

Microsoft MLuR55 Mar 20

Because we suck 😔

Google iqihs OP Mar 20

You are No1 in the world

Microsoft CoPil0t Mar 20

Got to#1 skimping on comp

Microsoft fuhdapuh Mar 20

Make sure to ask this question in next LT AMA

Credit Karma UepE53 Mar 20

Because they don’t need to pay more. Why would a company overpay for labor? That’s not maximizing shareholder value.

#!Pro. Mar 20

Because of H1b visa. They can literally go on shopping, sorry, hiring spree around the globe and hire the best talent for 50% of Meta or Google. All they do is wait a bit extra for that talent to join. They populated whole East side of Seattle by relocating hundreds of thousands of people from around the globe over the last 40 odd years.

Axon ashjdsjhd Mar 21

They also hire lot more engineers outside India compared to Meta and Google

mwWD87 Mar 20

Microsoft has always paid slightly better than median. It has its perks in being less of a sting if you have to take a detour due to a pip or something.

Figma xzxzxx Mar 20

They keep TC low via mass H1B sponsorship programs. They’re okay with tier2 talent because they have strong leadership and structures in place.

Red Hat @available Mar 21

Even google, meta are also having H1B employees. That does not justify the op’s question

Axon ashjdsjhd Mar 21

As if Meta and Google aren’t filled with H1B people.

Apple Osno52 Mar 20

Man the kind of people i worked with at Microsoft totally made sense based on their low compensations. They are moving development offshore to even countries in Africa like ghana and nigeria then distribute the level of work. They buy companies that make great products then screw the employees of that company day 1 and that’s how the quality of their new product starts going down.

SingleStore EpFj34 Mar 20

That was the old Microsoft

Apple Osno52 Mar 21

What’s the new Microsoft ?

Cloudera metalele Mar 20

Salty US boy: Microsoft keeps pay low by abusing H1B The low pay: 5-15x the median US wage

Amazon ljwk2a Mar 20

How is 5 to 15 times median US wage “low pay”? Was this sarcasm?

Lacework jixial Mar 20

The only wage that matters is the wage of tech workers not the average worker. Don't make a comparison with burger flippers or librarians.

Uber nuberswe Mar 20
