Why doesn't OpenAI offshore and reduce expense by 80%

They can follow Google's suite: hire ppl from India, Mexico, Poland, at 1/5 of price, and layoff american teams -> reduce operating income by 80%. I heard some of those hired offshore are really smart too. (smarter than hires in USA). And eventually we'll even be able to steal the tech and make an Indian OpenAI! And crush the USA counterpart! Like what China did with their big techs. TC 300k #tech #india #poland #mexico #google #amazon #facebook #meta #microsoft #openai #anthropic #ai

Morgan Stanley hellobby$ May 5

Can the blind team delete this guy’s user account for talking bs

Snowflake 6x7Bp1 OP May 5

u living under a rock? Google's new US layoffs are to replace core jobs in Mexico and India: https://www.androidpolice.com/google-lays-off-core-employees/

Investment Bank Glinda May 5

He is a Snowflake, what do you expect?

Amazon Dingussss May 5

can i dm u

Amazon dp[i][j] May 5

Y’all need to fix your stock

Snowflake Srank May 5

Damn - so true

Snowflake 6x7Bp1 OP May 5

i agree, maybe cus we r not offshoring enough

Amazon sSqq60 May 5

Because the universities overseas aren’t nearly as strong?

Snowflake 6x7Bp1 OP May 5

not sure

Microsoft pGQs62 May 5

Well, luckily you’re not running one of the hottest science based companies in the world so you don’t need to be sure

Snowflake Srank May 5

They have unlimited funding and need to move fast to create. Their issue isn’t cutting costs now - it’s developing as quickly as possible without efficiency in mind. Places move oversees to pinch Pennies off their cash cows b/c 1% or 2% is the difference maker. They just aren’t there nor will be in the near to mid term future (10 years +). Why risk slowing innovation to save a couple of bucks when the TAM and potential is so large?

IBM UjcS48 May 5

what are you even talking? where did your 1% calculations came from

Atlassian Pris0nMike May 5

Sounds reasonable, nvr thought about it this way, thx for the insight

Google tc--; May 5

Give them a bit of time.

Google GtoM May 5

They’re bulking, not cutting

Meta DLn5yK May 5

High quality troll

eBay yyutiuy May 5

Paying 500k or 100k to 100 engineers is nothing when you are dealing with billions

Snowflake 6x7Bp1 OP May 5

explain why google replaced $300k eng with $100k eng when it generates bils per quarter

Amazon day768 May 5

Did Google do that when it came out in '98?

kumamon1 May 5

Please give credit where credit is due ok. Its an old salesforce practice.