Why is ATT having an outage today?

Apparently ATT is down for thousands. What happened? #att

Microsoft MSLH22 Feb 22

Maybe related to solar flares - the sun activity affects radio wave propagation thus affecting microwave and satellite communications

Taylor Farms Muut Feb 22


Microsoft πŸ₯œtella Feb 22

It's a quick fix actually but the AT&T engineer have to go through customer service

whatNext12 Feb 22

A taste of their own medicine haha

Amazon KingOfPIPs Feb 22

Their 5G power plants laced with COVID-19 virus couldn't contain the virus and it ended up taking the cell phone towers down

Microsoft πŸ₯œtella Feb 22

Dell BfnC36 Feb 22

10:1 it was a cert issue. 5:1 it was a DNS issue. 3:1 it was BGP.

Microsoft πŸ₯œtella Feb 22

Oof this hurts