Why is living in America so costly?

My TC 500k, but only due to meta stock appreciation. Normal TC is more around 380k. Wife TC 270k. That might sound like a lot of money but: Mortgage: 4500 Property tax: 2000 Day care for younger: 2200 Car insurance: 190 Home insurance: 150 Internet+cell phone: 80 school lunches for older: 300 Weekly home cleaner: 150 This is not counting random one off expenses like fixing a broken garage door 500, summer camp 5000, changing a car battery: 300. Oh yea, heating: 750 in winter. AC 500 in summer. Vacations? I will spare you the shock. We almost never go out to eat except sometimes fast food. Never use door dash or Uber eats.

Meta TC/GTFO!! Jan 28

You are making 700k+ hh. You should expect things to be expensive with all the TC inflation

Delivery Hero nosferatu. Jan 28

Because your TC is 500k

Sunrun B Waldorf Jan 28

Geez where do you live and what is the size of your house? How is your energy bill so high?

Snowflake Srank Jan 28

Dudes absurd - this is WAY above the average lifestyle and he’s asking silly questions.

Tinder SwipeSwipe Jan 28

waaahhh my mansion costs me $6100 a month 😭

PayPal uUzDap5h Jan 28

You could make all those payments with just 270k. Where is the rest of your money going?

DgKO78 Jan 28

All your experiences are ~11k monthly or ~130k yearly. Given your household TC as 770k (no idea what tax it is in California but definitely less than 40%) so you’re saving twice as much as you spending. Yet another bragging post?

Polygl0t Jan 28

With that income they’re most likely taxed at 52% ish.

Apple greatful19 Jan 28

My overall tax at 450k was 40%.. 401k+Ira: 30k, espp: 30k leaves ~17k/mth..

Polygl0t Jan 28

Every other item is fine. You have too much house. 6500+ on house payment per month is insane.

Apple greatful19 Jan 28

That”s the payment for a 3/2 1700 sq ft, 70 year old house is not great school district in South Bay ( all commute likely within 30min).. location cost…

3M FXJl04 Jan 28

lol. Here I am with $1600 mortgage for the same size house in Connecticut. Idk how you people live out there

Cognizant premium11 Jan 28

Avoid being house poor and lifestyle creep. Prioritize savings

Workday hxhddkdo Jan 28

Buy a house in Bay Area with current interest rates and you will easily cough out 10-12k monthly for 1.5m average old shack

Uber pizlleghe Jan 28

These posts are incredibly tone deaf or reflective of some real cognitive dissonance. You make 3/4th of a million annual comp. After taxes even in a high tax state is $410K, or $34,000 a month. The recurring monthly expenses you listed are $10,000. You didn’t include food but you should comfortably have somewhere in the range of $22,000 a month leftover, or ~ $260K a year. So what is it, you are trolling or you are truly daft?

Snowflake Srank Jan 28

He’s both - these guys are the type of people who save max Roth, 401k, mega-back door and HSA and then say “we have no savings”

Meta TC/GTFO!! Jan 28

It’s dick measurement contest. No matter how big his is, there’s always someone who’s better