Product Strategy role in MSFT that bad an option?

Current PM lead, YoE 2.5 at a smaller agency, and 2 years strategy at big tech/MBB. I polled Blind previously comparing a L63 Microsoft Cloud & AI strategy offer (with a plan to transfer internally to PM) vs a Walmart L4 Senior PM offer. I since rejected the Walmart offer, because I talked to the guy who had the role before, and he slagged off the boss, the wlb and said I'd learn bad PM practices.  I have not gotten more PM interviews in the past 2 weeks and have to make a call on the Microsoft Strategy offer this week. Thinking of taking it, since only realistic other prospect is L6 PM at Amazon or maybe a PM at some no name startup. Some Qs though: 1) Is Product Strategy really not a viable path to influence product? Till I came on Blind, I was seeing that as a good career path with blend of vision/execution. Strategy's also often about evaluating feasibility/viability of novel use cases/products, which is more interesting subject matter for me than 90% of products out there - don't mind if TC maxes out at 350 or so. I would however miss going deep behaviorally and getting product-mkt fit right and navigating the complexity of the build to get a novel feature/product working. 2) Is Microsoft Cloud & AI strategy to PM in ~1 year really going to put me in a deficit compared to going to joining L6 Amazon or L4 Walmart? MSFT strategy team leadership is pretty great, so I could make L64 strategy in 9-15 months and network hard to transfer laterally as PM for a high pot. product. Could make Principal PM (L65) by 2.5-3 years. Is that a riskier or slower path than any PM role I'm likely to get? Main risk I see is I'm stuck at Microsoft till i can make the PM switch or might have to switch to L63 PM + my TC will be stuck at 250 for 2 years. 3) Anything I can do to make above less risky? I have an option to continue contract working as PM in my current role for 5-10 hrs a week, which would keep me rooted in PM Conscious asking a bunch of PMs will skew the answers 1 way, but it's been useful so far.  #product #offers #strategy

Amazon Grealish Aug 22, 2021

If PM is what you want then join Microsoft and try to move internally. At the same time, continue interviewing elsewhere (incl Amazon). The earlier you get into the role, the better. On top of this, I would also recommend not trying to over optimize for every year’s TC too much. That’s a mindset people at MBB get into very often because the culture is ultra competitive. What you will realize is that at these big companies everyone has the room to grow as long as you are doing well (at least below Director levels). Don’t optimize for TC only. As long as at least one of the below is moving in the right direction with others not moving in the wrong direction, count it as a good year - 1. TC 2. Role change to desired role 3. Promo 4. Location change (if required)

AKQA vsuc27 OP Aug 22, 2021

Great post. You are a mind reader with Pt.4 on the list. I'm not certain about Seattle long term, which is where all strategy team sits. Much less true of PM at MSFT. Not too fussed about TC moving up relative to that. I would keep recruiting for Amazon and the like but: a) Feel I need to do at least 1 year at this role if I commit to it b) I think I might come in at a lower level at Amazon then I could transfer to a year in MSFT. I plan to keep brushing up on PM interview prep and skills, but just don't see a much faster path, even with 2-3 years experience as effectively a lead PM.

Lyft kuriri Aug 22, 2021

I lol'd at making principal in 2.5 years.

AKQA vsuc27 OP Aug 22, 2021

2.5-3 years. I'm saying 1.5 to 2 years from L64 (senior) to L65 (Principal). I found several profiles doing that. Is it truly out of the norm?

Lyft kuriri Aug 23, 2021

Yes. Normal is 4-7 years L63-L65. Usually if somebody's get one of the levels quickly promoted in 1.5years and next one is likely going to take much longer. Again, not saying 2.5-3 is impossible but probably 5-10% do it, and those usually have been with msft before or have been grossly underleveled at hire. you are neither of those AND want to do major role change in the middle which also slows things down.

Confluent iwillnot Aug 22, 2021

Cloud and AI strategy sounds like someone got creative with the title to attract people. Who does the role report into ? If it's some GTM team, transition to PM will be tricky.

AKQA vsuc27 OP Aug 22, 2021

I think that part's ok,. The team VP reports to head of Azure, Scott Guthrie and occasionally presents directly to Satya and Leadership team. High visibility with a mix of corporate strategy and product strategy working with different Azure product teams. PM transition has happened before, though most people go onto other product strategy roles at FB, Spotify, Google or move up within this team.