Will product manager jobs be fewer in the next 5 years due to AI?


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Zscaler Gigajesh May 3

How? In what way would AI supplant PMs?

MFLEX gg_all May 3

It's almost there. All the stuff that genAI and other tools can do now: Product ideation, nagging engineers about status updates, coordinate standups and automated note taking, generating nice PowerPoint presentations from prompt. Just need a genAI tool to take credit for bumping X business metric up Y% and promote it so it doesn't piss off the wrong people but gets noticed by management. Maybe some AI avatar that falls under the DEI umbrella like "lilmiquela".

Zscaler Gigajesh May 3

Lmao about DEI. But can’t AI replace everyone then? Including devs?

Deutsche Bank instingct May 3

Dev will die before PM. A good technical PM can get the coding done just with a good AI assistant.

Microsoft fhjjknnccx May 9


Sirius XM wstenn May 9

This is horseshit

Yahoo Inc qweradszas May 3

Original thought ideation and figuring out what to do and why is literally the #1 thing a PM does that AI may never be able to do like a human. Also, im going to be real. You should make PMs your friend because the main risk of displacement in the short term is a PM choosing to leverage one of 3rd party APIs for building the product in leiu of building it in house.

Salesforce reshapfor May 9

More so to use a sweat shop in India to built the product. Cheaper and less complaining from devs.

VMware LaOpala May 9

MFLEX, the functions you listed other than ideation are program mgr or scrum master role, not Product manager.

Motive NQnP11 May 9

Fewer? Yes. Due to AI? No.

VMware g6FxH7l May 9

Fewer PMs - a lot if the tactical work can be automated leaving the remaining PMs to focus on strategic work. For a short while at least. Zero engineers. All code writing will be automated. Soon.

Cornerstone L1B H1B May 9

Try zero engineers lol. Even Twitter wasn't spared

Google Geminie May 9

PM’s are pretty useless even today lol

Uber mandoood May 9

Bad PMs are useless, and unfortunately there are too many of them

Amazon umGH77 May 9

On par with SDEs.

Amazon kafkaots May 9

I think AI will act more as a research and validation tool for the PM. But I definitely think the count of PMs would reduce

BlaqQrrPM May 9

There will be fewer PMs but not because of AI. Good PMs will always be needed.

OpenStore MAGA_2024 May 9

Idk if AI will ever get good at arranging JIRA boards

VMware g6FxH7l May 9

It’ll get good at copying from stackoverflow though