LayoffsMay 20, 2020

With Jet shudown, did walmart lay off those folks ?

#layoff #walmart #jet

Amazon Magic Man May 20, 2020

I hope HRBPs are safe. If you ain’t first, your last.

Rivian heyoooooo May 20, 2020

Having worked with an ex jet hrbp... ew

Google xYch64 May 20, 2020

I think they are Walmart employees now, from the looks of it on LinkedIn

Walmart NyPP55 May 20, 2020

When Walmart acquired Jet, over time all Jet employees were converted to Walmart employees. Anyone who didn't want to accept the Walmart shift basically left within 6 months - year. Maybe there were a tiny handful of folks that were still working on maintaining the Jet site but I assume they'll just switch teams.

Jet JKUllj May 20, 2020

I was at Jet way before sale and after The truth is key Jet talent was converted to WMT in 2016 Then a new team was brought in to run jet as a millennial site. Everyone sorta knew it was just a way to keep it alive. Jet business teams took over WMT e-commerce and focused on that at expense of Jet. Most of Jet was disbanded last year; but it really was over in 2017.

Jet ixIs26 May 21, 2020

Not exactly true. Jet didn't "take over" Walmart ecommerce (neither business nor engineering). It was quite the opposite. Walmart was heavily invested (financially) in Jet from its inception and acquired it with no real plans. I believe it was for PR/to save-face. After the acquisition (and even to this day), Walmart had to find work for Jet employees to do. In Engineering, several Jet teams were left maintaining useless/deprecated software while others did absolutely nothing as they waited for a new project to come their way. I knew a couple of teams that were lucky enough to work on a useful project - but they were few and far between. Source: early Jet employee (pre-acquisition)

Walmart kasp3r May 25, 2020

“Quite the opposite?” Your perspective on the past 3 yrs is quite different than mine, or most other people at Walmart eCommerce, I’d wager. Jet leaders took over most business functions across eCommerce. CEO, merchandising, marketing, supply chain, analytics... I’m sure there are more. Only engineering was immune to the ‘reverse takeover.’ Shit, eCommerce even established a second HQ in Hoboken! The common understanding outside the company is that Jet was a talent and attitude acquisition. That part happened. There were hopes that Jet technology would similarly reinvent the platform (how many times did you hear about the “Smart Cart?”), but that part was unsuccessful.

Walmart oUcn05 Jun 2, 2020

We got pockets of amazing leadership especially in Marc and Scott. This is what e-commerce needed then. Other than that there was no jet technologies. Walmart labs was way ahead of jet on the tech, supply chain and other operational aspects such as CX tools for site merch. The acquisition was still worth. Made wal street positive about our outlook. Marc has a very clear narrative and direction.