
Is the era of the 1 page resume over?

Had a recruiter from a well known company ream me out yesterday as my resume was 1 page. I’ve never had a recruiter talk to me like this before. Nothing wrong with it but I was taken aback. To summarize she basically said I was doing myself a disadvantage but trying to cram everything into 1 page, and no one applying to a senior position should do that to themselves. Now I have achieved senior positions in the past with my 1 page resume but she did make some sense. I was asked to redo my resume and send it back, which I did. It sits at 1.75 pages now. However, this whole ordeal has got me thinking, Should I start using a 2 pager resume? #tech #hiring #faang #talent #recruiting

Meta wezC16 Apr 16

no do not take the advice of one random recruiter as gospel

Amazon extrasoup OP Apr 16

Fair, however I am curious if there is any truth to the matter

Remitly 🐘Platform🐘 Apr 16

No. Recruiters have the forced time-weighted attention span of a goldfish. They ain’t reading your 2 page resume unless you have 15+ YOE or something

Zillow Group buHq24 Apr 16

if you have lots to say (eg because you have more relevant experience) then yeah, 1p is an artificial limit that you should ignore. no one prints resumes anymore

please:) Apr 16

I think the era of hiring is over 😂

Rubrik tevir Apr 16

Mic drop.

Indeed swe_is_me Apr 16


XDMn72 Apr 16

Depends on YOE and role.

Koddi L4NewJob Apr 16

You can increase the size of your page the length and the width

Apple SmiffChort Apr 16

If there’s enough in your CV to justify more pages, add more pages. But generally speaking, most recruiters/screeners won’t read beyond the first, so you should have your hook on the top half of page 1.

Amazon LILsim Apr 16

Nah, disregard.

Microsoft πx Apr 16

1 page resume is bullshit. You need to balance showing your education and experience with readability, and you need to make reading what you did interesting. If you cut experience for readability, people will read very easily how inexperienced you are. If you write too much, people will get bored by unnecessary details and move on. My sweet spot right now is at 2.5 pages.

Rubrik tevir Apr 16

When was the last time you switched with a 2.5 page resume? What's your YoE and level?

Microsoft πx Apr 16

I switched to 2.5 just recently because I'm interviewing. My previous resume from 2 years ago was almost 2 pages. I have 10 yoe.

1-2 is ok for 10+ yoe. I don’t read past 2. One time I interviewed someone for Sr. Dir who had a 7 page resume. I didn’t read past pg 2. 7 just shows you don’t know how to prioritize which is terrible for a sr. Dir of any function.

Amazon extrasoup OP Apr 16

This is a good take. I have 10 yoe. Shall I continue to use my 1 pager or graduate to my 1.5 pager ?

I personally think either is fine for you. I’m not a recruiter though. I’m a hiring manager. Either way make sure the top half page is absolutely excellent.

BioCoder Apr 16

I have 25+ yoe and stick to 1 page of content because nobody will read past halfway down. I do have a 2nd page, but it is just links: books, YouTube links, publications, github

Amazon extrasoup OP Apr 16

This is a good take as well. Thank you